Mid Femme Crisis- One Woman's Mid Life Journey

Mid Femme Crisis

Join me as I navigate my forties

  • Too Feminist?

    I happened across a clip of a podcast today where a man was talking about how the feminization of our society was destroying our country and that toxic femininity was to blame for everything by bringing love and compassion. This is paraphrased from his remarks but this man, Charlie Kirk, said that men are needed…

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  • Fitness and Me

    As a kid, I was not the most athletic person. I had asthma and used that to get out of doing almost anything that required running in gym class. My inhaler was my constant companion since any physical activity led to an asthma attack, leaving me gasping for air if I didn’t have my inhaler…

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  • 20 Year Anniversary

    Yesterday was a big day for me. It marked twenty years working for the federal government. When I was first hired at twenty three years old, I assured myself I would only work there for a year or two before moving on to greater opportunities. I had imagined that I would continue to pursue my…

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